5's of Internet Marketing
This blog will discuss the 5 out of the 6 I's of internet marketing: interactivity, intelligence, individualisation, integration and independence of location.
Interactivity An interactive website is a feature that offers users a platform to be more involved or immersed with a product (Bazan, n.d.). Net-a-Porter’s interactivity is shown with the option to view a video of an item. This enables to the customer to observe how the item physically wears, which is featured below.
Intelligence An intelligent website is a website that uses a cost-effective method of gathering marketing research (Bazan, n.d.). When clicking on an item displayed in Net-a-Porter, the page also features other items the shoppers might like. This means that the website uses analytics to monitor what shoppers are clicking on or purchasing which enables Net-a-Porter’s to collect relevant marketing research. ‘YOU MAY ALSO LIKE’ intelligence featured below.
Individualisation A website that is individualised provides the customer the option to customise the website via various options such as: age, gender, location etc. (Bazan, n.d.). By offering individualising options, it enables users to target their search. Net-a-Porter provides a wide range of individualising features, presented below is the option to shop the ‘What’s New’ or the ‘Editor’s Pick’ categories. Second, is their “Outfit View’ option, which allows customers to see the stylish application of an item (shown with Miu Miu dress). Finally, Net-a-Porter categorises their items via department, which exposes more individualising options when the mouse pointer hovers over the category.
Integration Integration is the merging of traditional and virtual marketing media (Bazan, n.d.). As a great example, shown below, is Net-a-Porter’s integration of ‘The Edit’ magazine, which is on offer to customers in a physical and online form.
Independence of Location This I of internet marketing is the ability to view the business in a virtual space (Bazan, n.d.). Net-a-Porter’s merchandise can be viewed in a physical setting, however the business itself is solely an e-business. It can only be viewed via a website or app, on a computer, tablet or mobile.
Bazan, S n.d., ‘Internet communication differs from conventional marketing communication’, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, viewed 28 August 2017, https://www.usj.edu.lb/moodle/stephane.bazan/e-marketing/6I.pdf